Men’s and Women’s Sexual Recovery Groups

In-person groups in Philadelphia, beginning fall 2024

“True healing and freedom from the effects of unwanted sexual behavior is possible. But for so many the path has been littered with failed attempts — short-term solutions that don’t work, and tons of shame carried the entire way.” — Trevor Windsor, Pure Desire Ministries

Have you experienced unwanted sexual behavior? Sexual infidelity? Sexual addiction? Does it feel like your sexual behaviors hinder your intimacy with God? Despite your commitments to God and others, have you tried to stop your unwanted sexual behaviors with little success? Do you long to experience freedom from watching pornography, masturbation, fantasy, and other kinds of sexual acting out?

Beginning this fall, Philadelphia Renewal Network is working with several local churches and organizations to begin two support groups in the city — one for men and another for women — to help you break free and experience the hope that change is possible. Though not "group therapy," these groups follow a successful model of recovery groups designed to cultivate honest communal support and accountability for those who struggle with unwanted sexual behavior.  Some participants may consider therapy in addition to these groups.

Men’s Group Details & Registration

Women’s Group Details & Registration